The number-one search topic that brings visitors to our website is "supplements for the brain."
Our modern life is stressful and hectic, and it is easy to be overwhelmed by the day-to-day demands of life, both emotionally and cognitively.
What can we do to reduce this stress, and to better cope with and handle it?
The first thing is to recognize that our mind and body are one being, interconnected and inseparable. How well we take care of our physical being will directly impact how well we can navigate the world and its challenges, cognitively and emotionally.
By the same token, the attitude and outlook that we bring to the world directly impacts our physical health. Do we believe that we can learn from our mistakes, and that every setback is an opportunity to learn to do and to be better next time? Or do we believe that a mistake is just a reflection of who we are essentially -- that of course we made that mistake, because we're so stupid?
Mind influences matter, and matter is the physical substrate of which mind is an emergent property.
What are some concrete steps that we can take to improve the physical substrate of the mental and emotional aspects of ourselves?
If you've read our other protocols, you will not be surprised when we say that the number one thing to do is to eat real food -- fresh vegetables and fruits, responsibly and humanely raised meat, and limited amounts of refined carbohydrates -- and to exercise regularly, at least four times a week for at least 30 minutes a session, to the point that you break a sweat.
What about nutritional supplements? Are there any that can help us maintain the mental and emotional aspects of ourselves in their optimal state?
There are, because there are widespread nutritional deficiencies due to our modern way of living, despite our best efforts to eat healthily.
Studies have shown that these nutrients may play a role in preventing and treating neurodegenerative, cognitive and mood disorders: